Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Courses available…
What is Neurodiversity and why is it so important in the workplace?
Neurodiversity means everyone. All of us. How we think and how we then act on those thoughts.
It is estimated that 1 in 7 people, more than 15% of the UK population, is neurodiverse.
These people have a brain that works very differently from a neurotypical brain.
Those who are neurodivergent may be autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic or have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) amongst other diagnosis.
What they bring to your organisation are creative strengths, specialised skills and new ways of innovative working.
Wouldn’t it be a great world, if everybody was inclusive? how would you feel, knowing that your team were able to manage, and effectively support Neurodiverse individuals in all situations?
How empowered would you and your teams be, to have the knowledge and confidence to not only support, but also enable Neurodiverse individuals to thrive using strategies that have been proven to work, Person centric and respectful, not just using old data extracted from text books.
• Empowerment• Knowledge• Confidence
Is what M Bull Training Solutions can offer with Thrive: Neurodiversity in the Workplace training for your organisation.
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Aware
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers
If you would like anymore information or are seeking tailored training for your workplace, please contact us and a team member will get back to you within 48 hours.
Aware Webinar…
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Aware
What you will learn - High Level.
This session is designed for everyone in your organisation
The aim of this 1 hour session is to increase your understanding of neurodiversity and to learn how to properly support neurodiverse individuals in the workplace and more importantly help to unlock their huge potential.
This Aware webinar is a “mandatory prerequisite” for the Champion and Managers workshops.
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to terminology around neurodiversity
• Be able to list the main neurodiverse conditions and each set of strengths that are common with each condition. • Understand the concept of neurodiversity. • Explore some of the common myths around neurodiversity. • Discover perception stereotypes. • How schools impact self-esteem and confidence. • See the link between unsupported neurodiverse conditions and mental health
• Gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals in
terms of communication and being social.
• Be introduced to sensory overload. • Understand why the autism spectrum and neurodiversity spectrum are not a line to
put people on.
• Gain an insight into the positive impact that reasonable adjustments can make.
The result of running an Aware webinar, means you will be a Thrive Neurodiverse awareness Employer.
Course Feedback for Neurodiversity in the Workplace Aware.
“I thought the course was well run, informative and really helped me understand but also give me tools to help me at work & at home”
“I loved it, would like to find out more about the workshop to put together a business proposal for funding to our SLT..”
“Really nice pace to the webinar and opportunity to reflect on content shared, also really liked the phrase “observation is as valuable as participation” made me feel really valued in the session…Thank you!”
Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion
This workshop is designed for anyone in your organisation that wants to become a champion and educate and change the way that Neurodiversity is viewed in the workplace.
This workshop aims to lead acceptance of neurodiversity, across the workplace and beyond. The aim is to help facilitate and change the culture in your workplace around neurodiversity and its acceptance.
The result of running an Aware webinar and Champion Workshops, means you will be a Thrive Neurodiverse Standards Employer.
Learning Outcomes
• Recap of terminology around neurodiversity. • Be confident to list the main neurodiverse conditions. • Understand the strengths that are common within each condition. • Develop an understanding of how an individual living with each condition may present within the workplace. • Gain a basic understanding of executive functioning. • Understand the concept of neurodiversity in terms of executive functioning within
daily life.
• Activity to personally experience what it feels like to have an executive functioning
• Understand why it’s important for diversity and inclusion to include neurodiverse
• Be introduced to the concept of school trauma and the impact this has on learning
new skills.
• Learn the importance of clear communication and develop an understanding of how
complex communication can be via an activity.
• Be introduced to sensory overload. • Understand how meltdowns and shutdowns occur and the negative impacts they
• Discover ways to create a more inclusive sensory safe working environment. • Understand the idea that anxiety can be caused by external factors. • Be able to recognise anxiety within yourself and others. • Learn ways to manage anxiety through regulation. • Gain practical tools to add to a mental health and wellbeing virtual toolbox to
support yourself and others experiencing a crisis.
• Start to understand that all behaviour is communication and look towards support
rather than judgment.
• Unpack that communication errors are faults on all sides and find out how to prevent
low morale within a workplace.
• Discover the importance of supporting those who self-identified as neurodiverse
from kindness and legal view.
• Understand the positive impact that reasonable adjustments can make and have an
idea where to start implementing them.
Course Feedback for Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion.
“This was incredibly interesting and engaging and the content very relevant to my work situation at the moment so I found it very useful.”
“Loved the honesty and focus on the positives. It was very educational. Be great for some hand outs to reference. My hand now hurts from note taking. Brilliant thanks again!”
“Awesome - thank you so much. Have so much more I would love to chat about! 4.5 hours isn’t long enough”
Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers
Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers
We understand the pressure managers can experience working within a neurodiverse team, this training is designed with managers in mind. Giving not only factual information about neurodiversity and neurodiverse conditions but by providing practical solutions to how best to effectively manage and reduce conflict between team members.
• Do you want your workforce to communicate better?• Do you want managers to be working to create an inclusive culture?• Do you want to learn how diversity can be an asset?
The following full day workshop is designed to follow on and build on the learning from the 1-hour webinar to provide an embedded learning experience leading to acceptance and change of culture around neurodiversity. This workshop has many hands-on learning opportunities.
AM - Learning Outcomes
• Recap of terminology around neurodiversity. • Be confident to list the main neurodiverse conditions. • Understand the strengths that are common within each condition. • Develop an understanding of how an individual living with each condition may present within the workplace. • Gain a basic understanding of executive functioning. • Understand the concept of neurodiversity in terms of executive functioning within
daily life.
• Activity to personally experience what it feels like to have an executive functioning
• Understand why it’s important for diversity and inclusion to include neurodiverse
• Be introduced to the concept of school trauma and the impact this has on learning
new skills.
• Learn the importance of clear communication and develop an understanding of how
complex communication can be via an activity.
• Be introduced to sensory overload. • Understand how meltdowns and shutdowns occur and the negative impacts they
• Discover ways to create a more inclusive sensory safe working environment. • Understand the idea that anxiety can be caused by external factors. • Be able to recognise anxiety within yourself and others. • Learn ways to manage anxiety through regulation. • Gain practical tools to add to a mental health and wellbeing virtual toolbox to
support yourself and others experiencing a crisis.
• Start to understand that all behaviour is communication and look towards support
rather than judgment.
• Unpack that communication errors are faults on all sides and find out how to prevent
low morale within a workplace.
• Discover the importance of supporting those who self-identified as neurodiverse
from kindness and legal view.
• Understand the positive impact that reasonable adjustments can make and have an
idea where to start implementing them.
PM - Learning Outcomes - Facilitated workshop looking at the following areas
• What do the Managers do today with regards to Neurodiversity Management • Examine a real life example in the workplace that we can discuss ▪ What went well ▪ What could have gone better ▪ What learnings have we taken from the mornings session that would have resulted in a better outcome • What policies are in place today to support Neurodiverse employees or managers • What policies should be in place • What reasonable adjustments can we do today ▪ Cost effective ▪ Affects all ▪ Improves working conditions – Social, Environmental , Physical and mental• Longevity of the support ▪ Ensuring that its not a tick box exercise ▪ Strategy creation
At the end of this session, your Managers will be able to confidently approach and articulate their organisations intent to create a fully inclusive workplace for all.
The result of running an Aware webinars, Champion Workshops and Managers , means you will be a Thrive Neurodiverse Exemplar Employer.
Course Feedback for Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers.
“This was incredibly interesting and engaging and the content very relevant to my work situation at the moment so I found it very useful.”
“A very enthusiastic trainer who was able to bring things to life and allowed us to have some open conversations creating a safe environment which definitely helped”
“This session was fabulous, especially as content delivered virtually can be difficult”